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The Very Personal Side of Pet Care


Taking care of people's pets has a very personal side to it.  You are a part of their lives in many of the events that take place.  You have knowledge of their whereabouts and the happenings that you wouldn't normally have.  You are in their home when they are not there, or you know where they are and when they will return.

Sometimes the events are happy and big, like vacations, weddings and the birth of babies.  Sometimes the events are happy and small, like out of town sports tournaments and competitions.  But, sometimes the events that require pet care are sad, like accidents, illnesses and even death and again, you have details and a connection to the pet owner that others don't have. 

The one common thread that all of the events have is that you are giving them peace of mind. The peace of mind from knowing that their beloved pet is being well cared for and t

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